Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Ways to spend Sunday

Hey Guys

I am back with another post. In this post i am not going to talk about any sport, instead i am going to share what should you do to spend your Sunday.

I think you should do all that things that you are unable to do on weekdays. I don't sleep that much due to the hectic schedule of mine though i love sleeping (or you can call it So on weekends i sleep as much as possible, not that much though.

I go to temples, being spiritual is very essential if you want to lead a life that is full of happiness and satisfaction. I love to help my mom in cooking. In fact on weekends i prepare breakfast, lunch and sometimes dinner too. You can also cook any meal you love to but wouldn't normally, forget you diet for this one day. :)

Watch T.V or read newspaper while sipping some fresh coffee or green tea. Take a long bath with light music. Take afternoon nap. Spend more time with you parents and siblings. I usually get home after 8, so i don't spend that much time my family but on weekends i try to spend as much time as i can with them, we chat a lot.

Try doing something that you didn't have time for during the week. Go for shopping. I do my shopping on weekends only. Hangout with your friends, go for movies, visit your grandparents.

And yes, go to sleep as early as possible for a fresh Monday morning. ( i hate Mondays :(  )

That's all. How do you guys spend you Sunday? Let me know.

Keep Smiling :)


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