Hey Friends
How are you all.
I am enjoying my coffee while writing this post. No no, i am not typing in my office time guys, i have taken my day off to recover. Yeah this muscular pain, i have an appointment with the doctor of mine this month too. I have taken too many leaves already last month that i am really scared to ask for another leave.
But as they say, Health is Wealth. OK so without dragging this post too long, i am going to discuss about a new Sport today.
Read on..
Today's topic is Savate.
So what is Savate?
It's like a french martial art combining western boxing and some kicking techniques in which people use their hands and feet as weapon. Only kicks are allowed in this sport.
This sport is also called boxe francaise, French boxing, French kickboxing or French foot fighting. A male practitioner of savate is called a savateur while a female is called a savateuse.
You might think that it can be dangerous to play but despite its techniques, it's a relatively safe sport to learn and play. According to USA Savate, "savate ranks lower in number of injuries than American football, ice hockey, football, gymnastics, basketball, baseball, and inline skating". Isn't it interesting?
Many martial arts provide ranking systems to indicate a fighter's level of proficiency with like belt colours but savate uses glove colours.
There are only four kinds of kicks and four kinds of punches allowed in Savate namely:
Kicks:- {in french} fouette, chasse, revers, coup de pied bas
Punches:- direct bras avant, direct bras arriere, crochet, uppercut
So i have shared a very rare sport with you guys which is only played in France. If you are interested in this sport, you have to go to France to practice because its very hard to find an instructor outside France.
Off to take some sleep, i hardly sleep in afternoon but have to sleep for the sake of my health.
See you Guys :)
image source : 1 2
How are you all.
I am enjoying my coffee while writing this post. No no, i am not typing in my office time guys, i have taken my day off to recover. Yeah this muscular pain, i have an appointment with the doctor of mine this month too. I have taken too many leaves already last month that i am really scared to ask for another leave.
But as they say, Health is Wealth. OK so without dragging this post too long, i am going to discuss about a new Sport today.
Read on..
Today's topic is Savate.
So what is Savate?
It's like a french martial art combining western boxing and some kicking techniques in which people use their hands and feet as weapon. Only kicks are allowed in this sport.
You might think that it can be dangerous to play but despite its techniques, it's a relatively safe sport to learn and play. According to USA Savate, "savate ranks lower in number of injuries than American football, ice hockey, football, gymnastics, basketball, baseball, and inline skating". Isn't it interesting?
Many martial arts provide ranking systems to indicate a fighter's level of proficiency with like belt colours but savate uses glove colours.
There are only four kinds of kicks and four kinds of punches allowed in Savate namely:
Kicks:- {in french} fouette, chasse, revers, coup de pied bas
Punches:- direct bras avant, direct bras arriere, crochet, uppercut
So i have shared a very rare sport with you guys which is only played in France. If you are interested in this sport, you have to go to France to practice because its very hard to find an instructor outside France.
Off to take some sleep, i hardly sleep in afternoon but have to sleep for the sake of my health.
See you Guys :)
image source : 1 2
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