Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Talk to me!!

Hey Friends.

So it is currently 2:45 PM right now and I am so sleeeeepy :(.  I know, normal people would sleep early to wake up early but somehow that didn't happen because i am this disorder of hypersomnia lol, really. HUNH

So today is a very busy day for me in office, lots and lots of work. So what else? I feel like I have so much to say to you guys but i have nothing to talk about as nothing much happened this week.

So i don't feel like doing anything. So why don't we talk about myself. ;)

Won’t make this a big entry because I’ve got to do lots of work. Afterall i am here in my office. Hehe blogging in my office time. Wow, even feels weird typing this. They say girls put too many smileys. Do you guys feel irritated with my smilies?

I woke up after a good night of sleep and today I feel so much better, did my excercises (that doctor told me to do) for muscular pain and came here where i am typing right now. :)
I have been sleeping at 10:30 AM every night and eating very less. Losing weight day by day :( I need to eat more often in bigger amounts.  Its so depressing because i love eating and I've lost my appetite and it also made my stomach shrink so I don’t eat as much now.

Mom yells on me everyday for eating less. What can i do. I don't know what is happening with me. Last year was one of the worst years in my life. Will tell you later WHY.
No relief in my pack pain too. Going to do some excercises for this pain, then will take a break from my work as the doctor told me to take breaks in every 40 minutes.

Ok, I'm going to wrap up this post.
Stay Happy. Stay healthy and Stay Sporty o.O


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