Monday, 3 February 2014

Why we love Sports?

Hi Friends

Did you enjoy your weekend? I enjoyed it a lot.

As i had already told you that i have been suffering from back pain so i went to see the doctor. He told me that my muscles have become fatigue due to continuously sitting in front of PC. It's nothing but muscular pain and he suggested me to take breaks in every 40 minutes and do lots of exercises.

Feeling little better today. Now i am here with a new post, as the title says, "Why We love sports?"

Remember your School days? There would be a period called Games/Sports Period. I used to wait for that period.
We would try different sports, Basket ball, Cricket, etc.  It encourages teamwork and Camaraderie, one of the joys of team sports is working and sacrificing together to achieve a common goal.

It gives a chance to us to test ourselves against others. Moreover, it's a fun. For me, sport isn't just a simple discipline, but it's a lifestyle, it teaches us the principles of life, the best way to win. Athletes like sports, perhaps because they feel good. Sports are rule-based. Theirs is a predictable universe where umpires largely implement impersonal, yet just principles. Sports is about how the world should have been. It is a safe delusion; a comfort zone; a promise and a demonstration that humans are capable of engendering a utopia.

Nothing like sports to encourage a sense of belonging, togetherness. Sports involve teamwork, a meeting of minds, negotiation and bartering, strategic games, bonding. Moreover, it keeps us fit. That means we do exercises in that way while having fun. I miss my childhood days, i used to play a lot. We used to play every evening and every weekend but due to this hectic schedule of mine i hardly find any time for outdoor games. :(

Just try any sports and make a habit to play and you will see the difference yourself in your mood, your body, health etc .

Off to do Some errands. See you guys very soon :)


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